Friday, September 18, 2009

Benefits of a Dual Monitor Setup

2:02 AM Posted by: COMPUTER MASTER 0 comments

Have you ever felt that your “desktop” space on your computer was too small? Have you ever wanted a larger monitor but did not want to pay the high costs for one large LCD monitor and the hassle of getting rid of your old monitor? A dual monitor setup may be the solution to your problem. Imagine doubling your computer workspace and having the freedom to keep multiple windows maximized and in view. These are just a few benefits of a dual monitor setup.

Many software developers and others in the Technology industry have known the positive effects that a dual monitor setup provides. Now, the lower price points of LCD monitors and better operating system support has allowed consumers to easily add an extra monitor (or two!) to their existing computer setup.

Whether you are a student, home user, or a business owner, a dual monitor setup benefits every type of computer user. For students, they will be able to have their word processor maximized and open on one monitor to write a paper while having a web browser open with research topics open on the other. This allows the student to save time and become more efficient by eliminating the need to switch between windows and possibly lose track of where they were in either document. This scenario holds true for other users as well, keeping email clients, web browsers, and other frequently used applications open AND visible at the same time, allowing you to quickly switch between them.

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