Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm On To You: SNES Really A PC In Disguise

2:05 AM Posted by: COMPUTER MASTER 0 comments

It may look like a Super Nintendo, but really IT'S A TRAP! PC. I particularly like the CD slot. is a cool case mod by quangDX and DuPPs. Using the Super Nintendo and the Acer Aspire One A150, they have created a SNES PC Case Mod. The controller ports have been converted to USB adapters (via a faux controller cable), the cartridge is a CD drive and the cables are plugged in through the back.

Now as good as it does look, I must admit to being anti-stuffing one console into another one's body. It leads to identity crisis -- and identity crisis leads to hookin' on the street corner for pirated software. And if you're reading this: please come home my little MacBook Dreamcast!

Hit the jump for several more shots of the trickery.

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