Friday, September 18, 2009

Wireless USB Computer Mouse with PnP Mat

2:05 AM Posted by: COMPUTER MASTER 0 comments

Producing a computer mouse that does not need batteries probably seemed like a good idea at the time, but we’re not convinced.

Whilst it might be an inconvenience replacing your mouse batteries every three or so months, it’s hardly a particularly time consuming or arduous task and given the choice between this and falling back to a battery-free cabled mouse it seems but a small price to pay for the convenience of forgoing a wire trailing across your desk.

Now, however, you can have the best of both worlds as this computer mouse, in being powered by an electronic field generated by the included mouse mat not only does away with the need for batteries but it is also cable free. A great idea in theory, except now the mouse mat has a cable trailing to the USB port of your computer in order to supply the power to the mat for it to transfer to the mouse.

Perhaps I’m missing something here, but isn’t the removal of the need for batteries through the introduction of a cable cluttering up your desk somewhat missing the point as to why cable free mice have proven so popular in the first place?

The battery free mouse (with cabled mouse mat) retails for £12.95 from this online retailer.

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